The Best Times To Post To Social Media

“When is the best time to post to social media?” A question every business owner should be asking themselves when looking to formulate a social media marketing strategy.

You’ve invested the time and resources to create high quality content, and now the goal is to give those creative assets the best possible chance of being seen by your target audience. 

In this blog post we will be covering three critical steps to ensuring that you are able to take a data-driven approach to finding the best times to post to social media in order to give your content the opportunity it deserves to be consumed.


Step 1: Testing

A good starting point is to select a 3 initial posting test times. One in the morning, one in the middle of the day, and one in the afternoon. Give each of these post times 2 weeks - 1 month of consistent posting. This will feed the social media platforms you are using the necessary data to begin generating the insights in which your future post strategy will be predicated upon.


Step 2: Analyzing The Data

Once you have tested an array of post times over the course of several months, you will now be able view the data & analytics you have been looking for via the insights dashboard of each social media platform you are currently utilizing. Now that each platform has been fed the data for an array of different post times it will be able to construe from that data the peak engagement and activity times of your audience.


Step 3: Implementation & Optimization

Now that you have the data, it’s time to implement your new posting schedule based upon what each social media platform is telling you the peak engagement and activity times are. Keep in mind, testing and analyzation of the data should be done on an ongoing basis for optimization purposes. Continue to keep an eye on your insights and adjust your post times accordingly.


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Colden Blades

Founder of Blades Marketing.


Questions To Ask Yourself Before Posting To Social Media


How Often Should My Business Post To Social Media